What Is Possessive Pronoun?


Simple Definition:

A possessive pronoun is a type of pronoun that shows ownership or possession. It replaces a noun and indicates that something belongs to someone or something. Possessive pronouns include words like "mine," "yours," "his," "hers," "ours," and "theirs."

For example:

  • "I think mine is the best." (The possessive pronoun "mine" replaces a noun and shows ownership.)
  • "Is this pen yours? Mine is over there." (The possessive pronoun "mine" replaces the noun "pen" (my pen) and indicates possession.)
  • "She lost her umbrella, but his is still here." (The possessive pronoun "his" replaces the noun "umbrella" (his umbrella) and denotes ownership.)

Very Simple Definition:

A possessive pronoun is a word that shows something belongs to someone. Examples of possessive pronouns are "mine," "yours," "his," "hers," "ours," and "theirs."

For example:

  • "I like my toy. Yours looks fun too." (The word "yours" replaces the words "your toy" and shows ownership.)
  • "I like your idea, but I prefer mine" (The word "mine" replaces the word "idea" and shows possession.)

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