What Is A Prepositional Phrase?


Simple Definition:

A prepositional phrase is a group of words that starts with a preposition [a word that shows the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence] and includes a noun or pronoun [a word that represents a person, place, thing, or idea]. It provides additional information about the subject or the object in a sentence.

Example 1: The cat is sleeping on the mat.

  • The prepositional phrase “on the mat” tells us where the cat is sleeping. The preposition “on” shows the relationship between the cat and the mat.

Example 2: John went to the store to buy groceries.

  • The prepositional phrase “to the store” tells us where John went. The preposition “to” shows the relationship between John and the store.

Very Simple Definition:

A prepositional phrase is a group of words that gives more information about something. It starts with a word like “on,” “in,” or “to” and ends with a word like “cat,” “mat,” or “store.”

Very Simple Examples:

  1. The cat is sleeping on the mat. (The cat is on the mat.)
  2. John went to the store to buy groceries. (John went to the store.)

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