What Is A Niche?


Simple Definition:

A niche is a specialized area where someone or something fits. It is a specific role or position that is unique and not occupied by many others. [Specialized means focused on a specific topic or area.]

For example:

  • A bakery that only sells gluten-free cakes has found its niche in the market. [Gluten-free means without a type of protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. Market refers to the business environment where goods or services are bought and sold.]
  • A scientist who studies the behavior of ants has carved out a niche for themselves in the field of entomology. [Entomology is the study of insects.]

Very Simple Definition:

A niche is a special place or job that no one else does. It is something that someone or something is good at and likes to do.

For example:

  • A bakery that only sells cakes without a type of protein called gluten is special. They have their own place in the market.
  • A scientist who studies ants and what they do has a special job. No one else does it.

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