What Are Regular And Irregular Verbs?


Simple Definition:

Regular and irregular verbs are two different types of verbs in English that show how they change their form to indicate different tenses, such as past tense or past participle.

Regular verbs follow a consistent pattern when forming their past tense and past participle by adding "-ed" or "-d" at the end of the base form. For example, the regular verb "walk" becomes "walked" in the past tense and "walked" as the past participle.

Irregular verbs, on the other hand, do not follow a predictable pattern and change their form in different ways. For example, the irregular verb "go" becomes "went" in the past tense and "gone" as the past participle.

Very Simple Definition:

Regular and irregular verbs are different types of words that tell us about actions and events. Regular verbs change their form by adding "-ed" or "-d" at the end, like "walked". Irregular verbs change their form in different ways, like "went".

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